Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Leadership And Emotional Intelligence An Effective Leader

Leadership and Emotional Intelligence: An effective leader is defined as a person who is followed by the others, in other words â€Å"leadership is a process of influencing others to achieve organizational goals, creating a vision for others and having the power to translate the vision into realism.† Leadership is a skill in which the leader tries to modify and shape the behavior of others. It has been understood throughout the history and culture that people had been looking towards leaders for assurance in case of uncertainty, threat or the task had been completed. A leadership is a true picture of people’s emotions. Leaders have to play a major role in an organization related to achieve his goals.Producing and output of the employees. The†¦show more content†¦Main body: A leader must have certain specific leadership qualities/skills so that he may be able to know human nature and psychology to lead the people to success. An efficient leader ignite our passion and inspire the best in us. When we talk about effectiveness of a leadership actually we are talking about strategy, vision and powerful ideas. A leader must be able to provide guidance to the employees to attain maximum productivityof the institution. He must have visionary approach and innovative methods of solving problems and dealings with hard situations to achieve the set institutional goals. A leader having capacity to modify and shape the behavior of his employees will qualify as an effective leader. A leader must have certain specific leadership qualities. Some of them are discussed below: Qualities of leadership: A good leader is always confident in accepting challenge. A leader should appear very confidently as a person to lead and set directions in a leadership role so that he inspires confidence in other employees and build the trust and take out best efforts to complete the task well. Believing in the abilities of his team is an essential part of a good leadership. The next quality of an efficient leader is â€Å"responsibility†. He influences the people and assert a lot of power to move his team and irresponsibility of a leader may result in disaster. A leader should give credit to his team

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